_ _ _ | || |_ _ _ __ | |__ _ _ __ _ | __ | || | ' \| '_ \ || / _` | |_||_|\_,_|_|_|_|_.__/\_,_\__, | |___/ Humbug version 1.0.0-alpha1-18-gd102496 Humbug running test suite to generate logs and code coverage data... 1 [==========================================================] 1 sec Humbug has completed the initial test run successfully. Tests: 1 Line Coverage: 100.00% Humbug is analysing source files... Mutation Testing is commencing on 2 files... (.: killed, M: escaped, S: uncovered, E: fatal error, T: timed out) M 1 mutations were generated: 0 mutants were killed 0 mutants were not covered by tests 1 covered mutants were not detected 0 fatal errors were encountered 0 time outs were encountered Metrics: Mutation Score Indicator (MSI): 0% Mutation Code Coverage: 100% Covered Code MSI: 0% Remember that some mutants will inevitably be harmless (i.e. false positives). Time: 232 milliseconds Memory: 7.00MB Humbug results are being logged as JSON to: humbuglog.json Humbug results are being logged as TEXT to: humbuglog.txt